How to Come Out on Top in the Age of the Mobile Worker
Most likely, your business is infused with employees eager to take advantage of all the opportunities offered by this new age of the mobile worker. Are you willing to support them, boost their morale and give them the chance for a better work/life balance? You should be because those efforts will bring the added value of improved productivity to your business, enhancing your bottom line.
So, how can you best optimize mobile technology software in your company? Start with a softphone—a software for making telephone calls over the Internet using a general-purpose computer or other smart device, usually combined with a headset. It is used in conjunction with VoIP telephony, which delivers an Internet connection via a VoIP service provider. The software will provide benefits to on-the-go employees in the following two areas:
Connect with co-workers in the office from home with an array of unified communications (UC) tools, such as web conferencing and instant messaging, available through your softphone. The headset allows users to work hands-free, enabling multitasking; instant message while you chat, for example. The ability to work from anywhere at anytime increases productivity.
Especially for overseas travel, use a softphone to conveniently make calls from smartphones and laptops, saving roaming fees incurred on cell phones. Also, simply download mobile clients to the compatible smartphone platform to answer calls directed to desk phones on mobile devices, keeping personal mobile phone numbers for private usage.
For a best-of-breed software-based PBX with integrated softphones for Windows,Mac, iOS and Android, look no further than 3CX Phone System. It delivers a complete UC solution that can be integrated with other applications running on Windows. The phone system is preconfigured to work with popular IP phones, VoIP gateways and SIP trunks, and is vendor-independent because it is open-standards.